Monday, September 17, 2007

Canada Forces US Federal Reserve To Raise Interest Rates?

Here is a Saturday Night Live (SNL) Golords spoof of foreign frustration with "Easy Al" Greenspan's loose US monetary policy in 1998:

(Warning: violence and sexual content)

Except for a 25 basis points (bps) hike on March 25, 1997, the Fed only held or lowered the Fed-funds benchmark interest rate for over 4 years after Februart 1, 1995 and until June 30, 1999 while the stock market bubbled. The Fed dropped 75bps in September-October-November 1998 to 4.75% (deja vu now?).

See more Fed spoofs:
Ben Bernanke Music Video
Alan Greenspan: Fun with Financial Armageddon and Famous Movies