Friday, June 15, 2007

Did FNBO Steal Your Money?

Has anyone been unable to get their money back from FNBO?

Here is what FNBO lets you know in an email after you have deposited money:

Because security of your account is important to us, we want you to be
aware of one of the steps we take to maintain security: We may temporarily
restrict all deposits to and transfers from your FNBO Direct account if we
determine a security risk exists and we may refuse to complete any transfer
based on the existence of a security risk. Please see the "Note about Linked
Accounts" and the "Important Note about Security for Deposits and Transfers" in
the updated Disclosures for your account here. Corresponding changes are
contained in Sections 7 and 12 of the Online Services Agreement and Section 6 of
the Deposit Agreement, all found in the Terms and Conditions here.

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